Sunday, March 7, 2010

Homeschooling Co-op with the Nielsen's

This month we started a science and history Co-op with our good friend the Nielsen's. We like to get together about once a week for the kids to play so, why not have a little fun while doing it!Krista has a great science and history program that are very hands on and get the kids involved in learning. For science, we are learning about the solar system. Here are some pictures of the projects we have completed...

Krista made these sweet balloon solar systems with the kids. The balloons are a little deflated and we don't have a sun (because the balloon would have to be at least 25 feet to scale) but
they learned what was in our Solar System and had fun while doing it! Thanks Krista for the awesome balloons!

Up against the wall version...I think you have to be a Thompsen to understand this... ;)

Here's Krista with the kids. They are learning about the sun. They get to draw or write while she reads to them.

While Krista was working with the big kids, I colored and played with the little kids. We were pretending to fly on a magic carpet over the Roman Empire. They got to wear Roman hats while doing it. Gwen makes a scary Roman, don't you think?

For history, we are preparing for a Roman battle against the Celts (Dad's vs. Kids). Our first preparation was to make a Roman Signum. Next week we will be making weapons and painting the kids blue to represent the Celts. The Romans would carry these into battle. One man would be in charge of making sure it did not get hit or stolen. They had to make sure they did not get hit as well because he could not carry a weapon for the Signum was too heavy. If they were to be hit or stolen, it would bring great shame upon that person.

While I was doing history with the older kids Krista played with flannel stories with the younger kids. Here is Aeryn giving it a try after we were done with history.

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