Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why we are weird to some LOL

My friend Sara found this quote and I read it this morning on an email that she sent me:
"In the latter days the time will come when there will not be enough doctors to take care of our medical needs and problems, and it will be necessary for men to honor their priesthood and to be prepared to take care of the sick; and every woman will have to be a home nurse with a working knowledge of nursing to meet the need."
J. Reuben Clark, Jr.; General Conference, 1937
There is a time and a place to have good knowledge. It is important to stay open to new possibilities so when truth comes to you, you are ready to accept it.
This quote is a perfect example of how important men and women are in their respective roles. I feel that woman need to honor their men and take pride in being a mother to whatever respect that may be (married with kids, single, divorced, widowed). All woman can be a mother in some way. It is very sad to me how motherhood and serving your husband has been frowned upon. My joy comes through serving and loving my family. I have been extremely blessed with a loving and supportive husband and 5 healthy beautiful children. Why wouldn't I take pride in that?

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